Contest Benefits TCMH Hospice of Care
January 4, 2019
Hospital Ends Year with Overall Increase in Patient Numbers
February 1, 2019It’s a boy!
Ryan Dale Gastineau took the honors as the first baby born at Texas County Memorial Hospital in 2019, arriving at 1:59 p.m. on Friday, January 11th.
Baby Ryan is the son of Aleisha Stephens and Gary Gastineau of Mountain View, and he joins his older sisters, ten-year old Taylor, four-year old Harper, and two-year old Henlee, in the Gastineau home. Baby Ryan was eight pounds, three ounces and 20 ¼ inches long.
Roma Hollenbeck and Julia Bryant, representatives of the TCMH Auxiliary, and Wes Murray, TCMH chief executive officer, presented gifts and gift certificates to Ryan and his mom after his birth. Businesses throughout the county donated the gifts to celebrate the arrival of the first child born at TCMH in 2019.