Hospital Prepares for Another Covid Surge
January 7, 2022
DAISY Award Given and Nurses Honored at TCMH
January 7, 2022It’s a boy!
Adrian Jace Brandt took the honors as the first baby born at Texas County Memorial Hospital in 2022, arriving at 12:24 p.m. on Wednesday, January 5th.
Baby Adrian is the son of Katlyn and Austin Brandt of Cabool, and he joins his big sister, two-year old Eliza. Dr. Tricia Benoist, physician at the TCMH Medical Complex in Houston, delivered baby Adrian, he was seven pounds, seven ounces and 20 ½ inches long.
Reese and Lana Bucher, representatives of the TCMH Auxiliary, Linda Pamperien, TCMH chief financial officer and Courtney Owens, TCMH nursing administration presented gifts and gift certificates for Adrian and his family after his birth. Local businesses and individuals donated the gifts to celebrate the arrival of the first child born at TCMH in 2022.

Adrian Jace Brandt, first baby born in 2022