Breastfeeding Support Group to Meet in August
August 9, 2013TCMH Healthcare Foundation Awards Scholarships
August 9, 2013Registration is now being accepted for the “Grief Recovery Method Outreach Program” sponsored by Texas County Memorial Hospital Hospice of Care.
The 12-week Grief Recovery Method Outreach Program will begin Tuesday, September 3from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at TCMH. Sara McDaniel, a certified grief recovery specialist and social worker with TCMH Hospice of Care, will facilitate the program.
“In coping with grief many people are told to ‘let go and move on in life’, but they don’t know how to accomplish that,” McDaniel said. “The Grief Recovery Method Outreach Program provides the partnerships and guidance that individuals need to be able to move on with life after a loss.”
The program will provide an action plan for moving beyond death, divorce and other losses such as job loss or health loss.
There is no charge for the program, and the group is open to anyone that is seeking support following a loss.
For additional information or to register for the program, contact McDaniel at TCMH Hospice of Care at 417-967-1279.