TCMH Tops in Nation for Efficiency of Patient Care
August 28, 2014King Named Employee of the Month
September 5, 2014The Texas County Memorial Hospital Family Clinic in Licking has been approved as a “Vaccines for Children” site by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
The Vaccines for Children program is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and provides free vaccines to children who qualify.
The Vaccines for Children program is designed to help protect all children against vaccine-preventable diseases. Unfortunately, many children are not vaccinated because their parents either do not have health insurance or their health insurance does not cover vaccines.
Children are eligible to receive free vaccines before their 19th birthday who meet one of the following criteria:
• are Medicaid-eligible;
• do not have health insurance;
• are an American Indian or Native Alaskan; or
• are underinsured.
Underinsured children must receive their vaccine at a Rural Health Clinic like the TCMH Family Clinic or at a Federally Qualified Health Center. Underinsured is when a child has health insurance but the plan doesn’t provide vaccine coverage; doesn’t cover certain vaccines or covers vaccines but with a fixed dollar limit. Underinsured does not include those with unmet deductible or who are unable to pay the deductible.
The TCMH Family Clinic in Licking joins the TCMH Medical Complex in Houston, Cabool Medical Clinic and TCMH Mountain Grove Medical Complex in participating in the Vaccines for Children program.
All vaccines are free through the Vaccines for Children program, but parents may be charged a small fee from the clinic to cover the office visit and cost of administering the vaccine.
Dr. Joshua Wolfe, a board certified family medicine physician, and Whitney Young, physician assistant, see patients at the TCMH Family Clinic Monday through Friday. For additional information or to make an appointment for a vaccination, contact the clinic at (573) 674-3011.