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August 19, 2013The Texas County Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation has awarded $5,500 in scholarships to area students to assist with their educational costs for the 2013 fall school semester.
Receiving $1,000 scholarships from the TCMH Healthcare Foundation were Jennifer Belew of Houston and Mattison Reed of Mountain Grove. The recipients were chosen among several applicants by members of the Healthcare Foundation board of directors.
Belew, a 2011 graduate of Houston High School, is a full-time student at Missouri State University-West Plains where she is pursuing an associate’s degree in nursing. Belew will complete her nursing program in May 2014.
Reed graduated from Mountain Grove High School in May. Reed is pursuing a biochemistry-pre-pharmacy degree from Missouri Southern State University in Joplin, and her program begins this fall.
The endowed Dr. Joe L. and Judith T. Spears Memorial Scholarship Fund awarded three $1,000 scholarships to three Cabool residents—Sarah Barnaba, Shelby Brown and Brianna Sullivan. The recipients were chosen by members of the TCMH Healthcare Foundation and the Spears family.
Barnaba, a 2011 graduate of Cabool High School, is pursuing an associate’s degree in nursing at Missouri State University-West Plains. Barnaba’s anticipates completing her nursing program in May 2014.
Brown, a 2011 graduate of Mountain Grove High School, is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in nursing through Drury University/Cox College of Nursing in Cabool. Brown works as a certified nurse assistant in the obstetrics and home health departments at TCMH.
Sullivan, a 2012 graduate of Cabool High School, is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in medical technology at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar this fall. Sullivan is currently a unit secretary for the medical surgical department at TCMH.
Barnaba, Brown and Sullivan are all previous winners of scholarships awarded by the Healthcare Foundation.
Amber Sillyman of Houston received the $500 Dr. Eugene Charles Honeywell Memorial Scholarship, chosen by the Healthcare Foundation directors and Carol Honeywell, the widow of Dr. Eugene Honeywell.
Sillyman graduated from Houston High School in May. She is pursuing a pre-med/biology degree from Central Methodist University in Fayette, MO, and her program begins this fall.
“Educational scholarships are one of the focus areas of the TCMH Healthcare Foundation,” Jay Gentry, Healthcare Foundation director, said.
The Healthcare Foundation awards two $1,000 educational scholarships for students pursuing additional higher education each spring and fall. In the fall, the Foundation also awards additional scholarships from the Spears and Honeywell endowed scholarship funds.
“The Healthcare Foundation administers the scholarships for the endowed funds, and the scholarships also go to employees working in healthcare-related fields in Texas County and surrounding areas,” Gentry said. Members of both families provided input to the Healthcare Foundation in choosing the scholarship recipients.
According to Gentry, the Healthcare Foundation intends to award two more $1,000 scholarships prior to the spring school semester in 2014. Applications for the scholarships are available through the Foundation or on the TCMH website.
“The Foundation board of directors recognizes the growing need for healthcare providers in rural America,” Gentry stated. “It is the hope of the Foundation that these scholarships will assist in attracting and retaining qualified residents to work in the local healthcare fields.”