Rose Vanderbilt is March Employee of the Month
April 6, 2018
TCMH Healthcare Foundation to Award $6,500 in Scholarships
April 13, 2018Plans are underway for the thirteenth annual Texas County Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation Charitable Golf Tournament at Oakwood Golf Course in Houston on Saturday, June 9th.
The tournament is a two-person scramble, and a team can play for $120, which includes a cart, green fees, mulligans and lunch. Tee times are at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m., and the tournament is limited to 40 teams.
Prizes will be awarded in four flights with three places in each flight. The number of entrants in the tournament will determine prizes and flights.
There will be many prizes awarded including a hole in one prize and prizes for the longest drive and closest to the pin. Entrants will also be eligible for door prizes.
The TCMH Healthcare Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to ensure the quality of healthcare services for children, women and men at TCMH.
“The TCMH Healthcare Foundation golf tournament assists us in developing the funds needed for our scholarship program, and it helps provide resources for capital projects,” Jay Gentry, TCMH Healthcare Foundation director, stated.
The Foundation awards four $1,000 scholarships during the school year—two in the spring and two in the fall—given since 2006. The scholarships are awarded to students in the TCMH service area that are pursuing additional education in a healthcare field.
The Healthcare Foundation has awarded over $83,000 in scholarship funds since the scholarship program began.
The Foundation is already accepting applications for two $1,000 scholarships and other Foundation administered scholarships that will be awarded for the fall academic semester.
For more information, or to reserve a place in the tournament, contact Gentry at (417) 967-1377.