TCMH Medical Complex, Houston
TCMH Medical Complex, Houston
Same day appointments available
Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Pediatric Behavior & Autism
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Sleep Studies
Tommi Alcorn, FNP
Christopher Baldwin, MD
Tricia Benoist, MD
Ray Bruno, FNP
John Carr, MD
William Errico, DO
Kristina Grant, DO
Latricia Juneau, FNP
Juan Mella, MD
Amit Shah, MD
Lynsey Sullivan, FNP
Notice to patients
This practice has adopted the following policies:
This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Our charges for care are based on the usual and customary fees for this area. Discounts for essential services are offered depending upon family size and income (discounted/sliding fee schedule for individuals at or below 200% of the federal poverty level). You may apply for a discount at the front desk.
We do not discriminate against persons receiving health services through Part A or B of Title VIII (Medicare) or Title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act. We accept assignment and participate in both Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Also at this location
Health Clinic — Annex
Main Campus
Outpatient Clinic
Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Pediatric Behavior & Autism
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Sleep Studies
Also at this location
Health Clinic — Annex
Main Campus
Outpatient Clinic