Texas County Memorial Hospital TCMH DAISY Award nurses
Texas County Memorial Hospital TCMH DAISY Award nurses

The DAISY Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care that nurses provide every day.

The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. During Patrick’s hospitalization, his family deeply appreciated the care and compassion shown to all of them. When Patrick died, his family felt compelled to say “thank you” to nurses in a very public way.

Nominate a nurse

Now you can say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse made a difference! We’re looking for stories of extraordinary care given by a TCMH nurse.

Every TCMH nurse nominated for a DAISY Award will receive recognition. Two of our nurses will receive a DAISY Award annually, one in spring and one in fall.

Each DAISY Award Honoree will be recognized at a public ceremony in her/his unit and will receive: a beautiful certificate, a DAISY Award pin, and a hand-carved stone sculpture entitled A Healer’s Touch. Additionally, everyone in the unit will celebrate with cinnamon rolls — a favorite of Patrick’s during his illness. The Barnes Family hopes that whenever nurses smell that wonderful cinnamon aroma, they stop for a moment and think about how special they are.

To submit a DAISY Award nomination form online, please complete and submit the form below.

Questions? Call (417) 967-1236 or email us.

Read the brochure (PDF)

The DAISY Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care that nurses provide every day.

The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. During Patrick’s hospitalization, his family deeply appreciated the care and compassion shown to all of them. When Patrick died, his family felt compelled to say “thank you” to nurses in a very public way.

Nominate a nurse

Now you can say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse made a difference! We’re looking for stories of extraordinary care given by a TCMH nurse.

Every TCMH nurse nominated for a DAISY Award will receive recognition. Two of our nurses will receive a DAISY Award annually, one in spring and one in fall.

Each DAISY Award Honoree will be recognized at a public ceremony in her/his unit and will receive: a beautiful certificate, a DAISY Award pin, and a hand-carved stone sculpture entitled A Healer’s Touch. Additionally, everyone in the unit will celebrate with cinnamon rolls — a favorite of Patrick’s during his illness. The Barnes Family hopes that whenever nurses smell that wonderful cinnamon aroma, they stop for a moment and think about how special they are.

To submit a DAISY Award nomination form online, please complete and submit the form below.

Questions? Call (417) 967-1236 or email us.

Read the brochure (PDF)

The DAISY Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care that nurses provide every day.

The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. During Patrick’s hospitalization, his family deeply appreciated the care and compassion shown to all of them. When Patrick died, his family felt compelled to say “thank you” to nurses in a very public way.

Nominate a nurse

Now you can say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse made a difference! We’re looking for stories of extraordinary care given by a TCMH nurse.

Every TCMH nurse nominated for a DAISY Award will receive recognition. Two of our nurses will receive a DAISY Award annually, one in spring and one in fall.

Each DAISY Award Honoree will be recognized at a public ceremony in her/his unit and will receive: a beautiful certificate, a DAISY Award pin, and a hand-carved stone sculpture entitled A Healer’s Touch. Additionally, everyone in the unit will celebrate with cinnamon rolls — a favorite of Patrick’s during his illness. The Barnes Family hopes that whenever nurses smell that wonderful cinnamon aroma, they stop for a moment and think about how special they are.

To submit a DAISY Award nomination form online, please complete and submit the form below.

Questions? Call (417) 967-1236 or email us.

Read the brochure (PDF)

Submit a nomination form

  • Fall 2024


    Michael Sullivan, RN, ER, 2024 Fall Daisy Award Winner
    Michael Sullivan, RN, ER


    Heather Day, RN
    Paula Riggs, RN
    Candace Mize, RN
    Dustin Luse, LPN
    Ashley Davis, LPN
    Julie Patton, RN
    Jerry Pursifull, RN
    Lisa Pellerito, RN

    Spring 2024


    Ashton Driskell, LPN, 2024 Spring Daisy Award Winner
    Ashtin Driskell, LPN


    Ashley Davis, LPN
    Cheryl Maley, RN
    Ashtin Driskell, LPN
    Mason Vandevort, LPN
    John Sawyer, RN
    Becky Marler, LPN
    Julie Patton, RN
    Jessica Collins, RN
    Danielle Forester, RN
    Elizabeth Kuster, RN
    Alisa Contreras, RN
    Caden Davis, LPN
    Nici Brotherton, LPN



    Cheryl Maley, RN, 2023 Spring Daisy Award Winner
    Cheryl Maley, RN


    Lauren Conaway, RN
    Michael Sullivan, LPN
    Tabatha Grindstaff, RN
    Holli Turner, RN
    Paul Fockler, RN
    Mary Glotfelty, RN
    Maddie Rolen, RN
    Cameron Brown, LPN
    Shelly Rust, RN
    Shelby Ellison, RN
    Ashtin Driskell, LPN
    Gina Pursifull, LPN
    Rebecca Gorton, RN

    Fall 2022


    Cora Turnbull, 2022 Fall Daisy Award Winner
    Cora Turnbull, RN


    Alisa Contreras
    Cheryl Maley
    Shanda Melton
    Paul Fockler
    Lisa Pellerito
    Lauren Conaway
    Mary Glotfelty

    Spring 2022


    Lauren Conaway, 2022 Spring Daisy Award Winner
    Lauren Conaway, RN


    Heather Busby, RN
    Jeff Hawkins, RN
    MaKenzie Richardson, LPN
    April Crites, RN
    Shelby Creek, RN
    Denise Coonts, LPN
    Kristel Barton, RN

    Fall 2021


    Cameron Brown, LPN Daisy Award Winner Fall 2021 Texas County Memorial Hospital
    Cameron Brown, LPN


    Jen Terrill, RN
    April Crites, RN
    Mary Kate Brasier, RN
    Kristen Ellison, RN

    Spring 2021


    Shanda Melton, RN Daisy Award Winner Spring 2021 Texas County Memorial Hospital
    Shanda Melton, RN


    Maddy Shelley, RN
    Rachel Dowden, RN
    Jen Terrill, RN

    Fall 2020


    Amy Mills, RN


    Amy Mills, RN
    Bayle Herrin, LPN
    Delilah Jones, RN
    Jerid Land, LPN
    Marybeth Casper, RN

    Spring 2020


    Michelle Bergonzoni, RN


    April Crites, RN
    Chasity March, LPN
    Christin Sharp, LPN
    Clarissa Galant (Drake), RN
    Judy Vernon, RN (2)
    Krystal Barton, RN
    Marybeth Casper, RN
    Michelle Bergonzoni, RN
    Shanda Melton, RN
    Shelly Rust, RN
    Tara Grandstaff, RN

    Fall 2019


    011 (4)
    April Crites, RN


    April Crites, RN (4)
    Brenda Cooper, LPN
    Chelsea Sawyer, RN
    Kristel Barton, RN
    Jamie Terry, RN
    Judy Vernon, RN (2)
    Marybeth Casper, RN
    Melinda Jewett, LPN
    Melissa Callicotte, RN (2)
    Sandra Eaton, RN
    Shelby Ellison, RN
    Shelly Rust, RN
    Stephanie Gingerich, RN
    Makenzie Richards, LPN

    Spring 2019


    stephanie gentry (1)
    Stephanie Gentry, RN


    April Crites, RN (2)
    Bailey Howell, LPN
    Brittany Walter, RN (2)
    Cameron Brown, LPN
    Chris Weaver, RN
    Delilah Jones, RN
    Holli Massey, RN
    Jade Moore, RN
    Jerri Sue Crump, RN
    Jessica Collins, RN
    Judy Vernon, RN
    Kalli Wade, RN
    Kristel Barton, RN
    Marybeth Casper, RN (2)
    Miranda Coen, RN
    Samantha Williams, RN
    Shasta Head, RN
    Shelby Ellison, RN
    Stephanie Gentry, RN

    Fall 2018


    DAISY 10-18-crop
    Marybeth Casper, RN


    Kalli Wade, RN
    Marybeth Casper, RN
    John Sawyer, RN
    Melanie Evans, RN
    Courtney Stewart, RN
    Stephanie Gingerich, RN
    Brittany Walter, RN
    Caitlyn Barry, RN
    Kristel Barton, RN
    Jade Moore, RN
    Nancy Branson, RN
    Holli Massey, RN
    Tara Grandstaff, LPN
    Tamra Dodge, RN
    Cody Rogers, RN
    Paul Fockler, RN
    Cheryl Branum, RN
    Daya Martin, RN
    Shelby Ellison, RN
    Shelby Creek, RN

    Spring 2018


    Angie Cox for Website
    Angie Cox, RN


    Amy Mills, RN
    Stephanie Gingerich, RN
    Bailey Walker, RN
    LeaAnn Stein, LPN
    Stephanie Gentry, RN
    Angie Cox, RN (2)
    Caly Scantlin, RN
    Jennifer Terrill, RN
    Bailey Howell, LPN

    Fall 2017


    Texas County Memorial Hospital TCMH DAISY Award nurse Stephanie Tabor
    Stephanie Tabor, RN


    Brittany Walter, RN
    Paul Fockler, RN
    Cody Rogers, RN
    Tony Young, RN
    Ashley Russell, RN
    Courtney Stewart, RN
    Stephanie Gingerich, RN
    Nancy Branson, RN

    Spring 2017


    Texas County Memorial Hospital TCMH DAISY Award nurse Bailey Walker
    Bailey Walker, RN


    Tamera Dodge, LPN
    Crystal Carson, RN