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September 30, 2015

Improve Your Life with a Better Night of Sleep

Seventy million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. Ninety percent of sleep disorders remain undiagnosed, and for every undiagnosed sleep disorder the quality of life for […]
August 31, 2015

Hospital Seeks Volunteer Youth Ambassadors

Texas County Memorial Hospital has opened the application process for area youth to join the 2015-2016 Youth Ambassador program. Youth Ambassadors are area high school juniors […]
August 11, 2015

Rupar Named as July Employee of the Month

Texas County Memorial Hospital has named Roxanne “Rocky” Rupar of Pomona the July employee of the month. Rupar is a respiratory therapist in the cardiopulmonary department […]
July 6, 2015

Wilkins Named as May Employee of the Month

Texas County Memorial Hospital has named Stephen Wilkins of Summersville the June employee of the month. Wilkins is an emergency medical technician in the emergency medical […]