One in three deaths in the United States is linked to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, heart disease, stroke or other cardiovascular conditions. Cardiovascular conditions […]
Texas County Memorial Hospital Hospice of Care has a new booklet—Considering Comfort Care, A Guide for Families—available to area residents. “This easy-to-read guide is a good […]
Each year in the US more than 3.5 million sports-related injuries requiring medical treatment occur in children under the age of 14. “Sports injuries are on […]
Everyone needs some salt for their bodies to function properly. However, nearly all Americans consume more salt than they need. Salt makes your body hold more […]
Texas County Memorial Hospital has named Cora Turnbull of Bucyrus the August employee of the month. Turnbull is a paramedic in the emergency medical services department […]
Texas County Memorial Hospital Hospice of Care will provide training for new Hospice of Care volunteers on Fri., Sept. 22nd. The training session is from 9 […]
Texas County Memorial Hospital employees have planned Pirates of the Piney Regatta on Saturday, September 9 at Boiling Spring Resort in Licking from 1 to 7 […]
Texas County Memorial Hospital has opened the application process for area youth to join the 2017-2018 Youth Ambassador program. Youth Ambassadors are area high school juniors […]
Texas County Memorial Hospital is seeking additional volunteers to serve at the county hospital in information desk greeter and way finding roles. “We need additional volunteer […]
Texas County Memorial Hospital has scored above state and national average value based purchasing scores for 2017, hospital board members heard at their monthly meeting on […]
Two Texas County Memorial Hospital Youth Ambassadors have received scholarships to help them with their academic expenses for the upcoming school year. Shaniah Phillips of Houston […]